General description:- Shrubs or herbs.

Leaves:- Alternate or basal.

Flowers:- Hermaphrodite, (2)3-petalled (-merous). Perianth-segments 6-9, in 3 or 4 whorls, at least the inner ones petaloid; honey-leaves 4-6, petaloid or nectariform. Stamens 4-6, opposite the honey-leaves; anthers, splitting open to release the seeds
(dehiscing) by apically-hinged valves. Carpel solitary, superior.


General description:- Shrubs; wood bright yellow.

Leaves:- On long shoots (in European species) transformed into spines, simple or with 3 or 5.hand-like (palmate) divisions to the base. Foliage-leaves simple (deciduous in European species), clustered on short shoots in the axils of the spines.
Flowers:- In racemes, sometimes condensed to small, umbel-like clusters. Perianth-segments usually 9; the 3 outermost (sometimes interpreted as bracteoles) small and sepaloid, the 6 inner bright yellow, petaloid; honey-leaves petaloid, similar to the inner perianth-segments. Stamens 6, usually sensitive to touch.

A 2-seeded  berry.

Key features:-
1) Shrubs.
2) Fruit a berry.
3) Leaves simple.


General description:- Hairless (glabrous) herbs with tuberous rhizome.

Leaves:- Arranged in a whorl or cluster of three 2- or 3 (-ternate), not all basal.

Flowers:- In terminal and axillary, racemes. subtended by or beset with bracts (bracteate)  Perianth-segments 6(-8), conspicuous, petaloid, yellow; honey-leaves 6, much smaller, rolled like a closed umbrella (convolute). Stamens 6.

Fruit:- 1- to 4-seeded, with inflated, membranous pericarp, splitting open to release the seeds (dehiscing) irregularly by decay. Seeds without a fleshy cup-like structure surrounding the seed aril.

Key features:-
1) Stem ± leafy.
2) Honey-leaves small, convolute.
3) Several cauline leaves on each stem, most of them with an axillary raceme.
4) Fruit 20-40 mm.